Visit Elderly
Reaching the Elderly
Working with the Physically and Mentally Disabled, Elderly & Families of Low Income.
Reaching the Elderly
The Elderly

According to South China Morning Post.
- "The study by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service reveals that the city has seen a rise in the number of elderly people living in poverty, with almost one in three struggling to make a living." The elderly are the most vulnerable area of society making them feel lonely, invaluable and most of forgotten!

Bless Hong Kong Video Bless Hong Kong
Sources -"South China Morning Post " and video provided by "Bless Hong Kong Campaign"
Reaching Elderly
People with disabilities

We endeavor to develop the physical, mental and social capabilities of people with disabilities by training them in performing arts and creating programs that enrich their value as individuals. Our goal is to encourage their full participation in our programs for them to enjoy equal rights with a view to promote their integration into the community.