Get Involved
"How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment; we can start now, start slowly changing the world!"

— Anne Frank
(diary entry, 1944)
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I'd like to, but don't know how

You have a heart of people and want to do something for the society. Please let us know and send us a message. We will then see on how we can best put you in the right place for you to use you skills and desires to serve the community.

Get me out there

Itching to do something to better the local community of Hong Kong? If you have a desire to make a difference through serving in any area of Urban Nexus; Be it either, through interacting with those studying at university, bringing extra curricular activities with us to schools or even distributing surplus food to those of a low income and in need, then do get in contact with us. 

Full Time Staff

Fancy doing all of the above but full time? Then get in touch and together we can make a way to better the lives of those in need in Hong Kong. 

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Events or Training Sessions

If you have the ability to host events such as english camps or seminars, you are welcome to contact us. If you would like us to visit your school, office, church or any other facility to partner with us in training people, you are more than welcome to contact us.


Are you a part of a charity or NGO stretching out a hand to those in need? If you are and would appreciate receiving food and other donations through us please meet with us. This way we will be able to sit down with you in person and explain the requirements and documentation required for you to become one of our charity partners. In summary we have 3 key requirements for those thinking about receiving donations through us.

to become a Recipient

Your organisation should be a locally registered charity operating under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.  The end users of the donated products should preferably be people in need. That means people living below the poverty line or those that have life altering disabilities that have difficulty or cannot look after themselves.   

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For the Food Program

We regularly have the privillege to serve the poor and needy Hong Kong. Every week we pick up the food from to food bank and bring it back to our area to distribute it to different Charities. We ask for your support to cover the costs that are involved in that. The main budget beside car maintaining the car goes into fuel. One trip and back, including the distribution is about 90 km. You can be a part of this.


You can also give a general donation to cover needs in other areas. All of our workers are volunteers. If you are already involved somewhere else but want to be part in giving a gift to Urban Nexus.